Various animals live harmoniously in the picturesque depths of the tropical jungle. However, Parrot - a brave young soul, does not yet have his place and his tasks in this idyllic world. One day, a curious Parrot accidentally encounters a great force that threatens to destroy the jungle - the animals' beloved home.
Unfortunately, the animals do not believe her and stubbornly ignore the Parrot's warnings. After all, what could such a small, inexperienced bird know about the dangers? He's probably making this up out of boredom! Are you sure? You will find out by watching the performance.
Parrot's extraordinary discovery is a touching story about courage, perseverance and the power of a young voice in society. It is a play full of magic (but also scientific facts) about how the beliefs and ideas of young people are often overlooked, but they are the ones who can bring the necessary changes. It is also a moving story for children that reminds them that it is worth believing in yourself, your dreams and trusting your intuitions - sometimes despite the voices of adults. Children will also learn that ignorance can lead to tragedy, and determination and unity in action can make a difference in the face of adversity.
Directed by Bartosz Jędraś, Dominika Walo
Music - Bartosz Jędraś, Krzysztof Paździora
Playwright, scriptwriter - Robert Traczyk
Scenography and costumes - Adrian Lewandowski
Parrot - Katarzyna Hołyńska
Spider - Elżbieta Donimirska
Owl - Marta Frąckowiak
Koala - Aleksander Stasiewicz
Kukubara / Birds Radio - Jakub Mikołajczak
Crocodile - Marek Sitarski
Premiere of the show: December 13, 2023, at 10:00
Age category: 5 years+
Poster design: Dariusz Kolański
The task was carried out as part of the Art Spaces program financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, implemented by the Theater Institute Zbigniew Raszewski.